Who is the Best Cedar Rapids Personal Injury Attorney for Your Case?
Cedar Rapids Personal Injury LawyerWho is the Best Cedar Rapids Personal Injury Attorney for Your Case? At the age of six, I learned one of life’s most important lessons when I started pheasant hunting with my Dad in Benton County, Iowa. Even though we had a cornfield less than 100 yards from our own backyard, we always hunted in Benton County in and around Newhall, Atkins, Walford, Norway, Keystone, Belle Plain, Vinton, Van Horne, etc. On a cool autumn morning—opening day—I see my father walking in his Key brand overalls with his cap in hand, petting the farm dog as he knocks on the farmer’s door to ask permission to hunt. More often than not, the farmer and my father have known each other for decades and they catch up on their growing families. My father would then walk back to my uncle’s [...]