How This Cedar Rapids Personal Injury Lawyer and Law Firm is Different:
Cedar Rapids personal injury lawyer specializing in serious personal injury cases by limiting the number of cases we handle to give each client the time, attention, compassion and results they deserve.
On the one hand, a lot of attorneys advertise they handle personal injury or class action cases even though they might spend 90% of their time doing divorce law, criminal law, or some other type of law. Allowing an attorney who spends 90% of their time doing divorce work to handle your one and only personal injury case or class action case makes about as much sense as letting a surgeon that spends 90% of their time doing hernia surgeries handle your brain surgery.
On the other hand are attorneys who handle so many personal injury cases at one time that one wonders whether a given client is receiving the time and attention they deserve.
For example, an attorney handling 120 cases at a time must, on average, either settle or try a case in a courtroom once every 3.3 days–yes, that’s every three point three days. Our Court Rules require cases to be tried within one year of filing the case; the case will be dismissed if not tried within 18 months absent a Court Order under “unusual circumstances.” So if an attorney handles 120 cases at one time over a period of 18 months (which is 6 months more generous than the 1 year rule), it follows that that attorney must close on average nearly 6.6 cases–that’s nearly seven cases–each month either by settling those cases or by trying those cases in the court room. In other words, to stay on track, that attorney must settle a case or try a case in court approximately every four and a half days based on a 30 day month. If you exclude weekends, a case needs to be settled or tried in the courtroom approximately once every three and one-third days. What happens if it takes a few days to reach an opposing attorney or insurance representative on the other side? What happens if one trial takes a week, two weeks, or more? What happens if one wants to spend a little time preparing for trial? While these attorneys delegate a lot of their work to secretaries and legal assistants (we do too), the fact remains: the attorney is settling or taking to trial on average, one case approximately every 3 to 4 days. Even if an attorney concludes “only” 60 cases during an 18 month period, that attorney must, on average, settle or try in court one case every 6.6 days if weekends are excluded; an attorney handling “only” 60 cases every 24 months must, on average, settle or try in court one case every eight point eight (8.8) days. Similarly, concluding 120 cases every 24 months means settling or trying a case in court every four point four (4.4) days if you exclude weekends. Is this what you really want in a Cedar Rapids personal Injury Lawyer?
Do you really think that an attorney who tries to handle that many cases at one time is thinking about your best interests and your one and only case?
We will never do that to our clients at Sam Sheronick Law Firm, P.C.
Letting an attorney who handles too many cases at a time handle your one and only case makes about as much sense as allowing a brain surgeon who performs 15 brain surgeries a day operate on your brain: It really does not matter if that brain surgeon is the best on the planet if they’re performing that many brain surgeries every day.

For over 20 years, Sam Sheronick, personal injury lawyer with Sam Sheronick Law Firm, P.C. has handled serious personal injury cases very differently by limiting the number of personal injury cases we handle at one time to assure the proper time, attention, compassion, and resources necessary to increase the chances that we achieve the results each client deserves. While spending more time–a lot more time–on each case does not guaranty a better outcome, we tend to think that it increases the odds. This means we must turn away many more good cases than we accept. But this discipline is necessary if we are to put our clients’ best interest first.
In doing so, we are able to take the time to learn what it’s like to be in our clients’ hide by using techniques Sam Sheronick, Cedar Rapids personal injury lawyer, learned at the Trial Lawyers’ College, a post law school college which only accepts 48 attorneys nationally each year to attend the College led by famed trial lawyer Gerry Spence. Cedar Rapids personal injury lawyer Sam Sheronick still returns to the College for Graduate courses every year to hone his trial skills with the guidance of some of the nation’s best trial attorneys. Our clients deserve that. We can only tell our client’s true story to a jury if we bother to take the time to learn our client’s true story. We can’t do this handling too many cases at one time.
How much does this care and attention cost? At our firm, you do not pay our firm an attorney fee unless we win/settle your case which has served our clients—and our firm—well.
At Sam Sheronick Law Firm, P.C., we limit the number of cases we handle to give each serious personal injury client the time, attention, compassion, and results each client deserves.